final project: prototype and reflection / revisions

  It takes a village. I owe shout outs to many people who helped me get the project up and running. When I decided to use a microcontroller instead of the initial Pistil Tickle inverter feedback loop to control the motors, Ali Momeni provided guidance. At this point, I was using my old Arduino and…

“Bald-Faced Transponder” statement [Miles]

“Bald-faced Transponder” is a temporary installation in an elevator car. There are two central components of the work: a hornet’s nest, and live air traffic control communications. The bald-faced hornets nest was purchased from a Pittsburgh resident who found it on his private property. It has a viscerally alarming presence, and a faint but noticeable…

Adam Shield – Artist Statement

The Tunnel of Future Memories Every year that I can remember of my childhood, I went to Kennywood Amusement Park. I have always felt that this park possessed something that other parks didn’t, and I don’t think it’s just nostalgia that’s convincing me of that.  Everything from the old-timey rides to the new attractions, to the…

Site Specific Project Update – Jake

Important Update/Relevant Information My goals for this project shifted dramatically last week when two key events took place.  Firstly, I finally heard back from the powers at be and was made aware of the reality that meaningfully broadcasting any sort of audio throughout the CFA great hall is an impossible task to achieve, at least…

Reflections + Prototype [Miles]

Iterations I realized last week that the water ball would add an unnecessary barrier between the viewer and the air traffic control sounds. It would shift attention away from the sounds to the ball itself, and imply that the ball – and the person inside – are the sources of those sounds. I’d prefer that the…

Final Project Blog Post/ Demo for 4/28- Ruby

  This is the audio that I will be using in parts of other erotic food advertisement audios for the site-specific installation.  I will be installing my computer inside the fridge; in using the camera on the laptop, the audios can be played through motion sensing.  The audio will be played when there is a…

final project: abstract / overview

  My site-specific project will be a compilation of individual sound pieces that together will be part of an immersive installation – An Experimental Space for Reconnection with the Natural World – existing within a small house. In addition to sound, the installation will incorporate sculptural elements and video projections.   TRANSITION Astral Totems sound…

final project: technical issues and documentation

The main tech issue I am having right now is trying to run six motors triggered by light sensors using a Teensy 3.1* and a DC Opto-Isolated 8 Output Board. Because the Teensy only wants 3.3V, I am in the process of pumping up the voltage for the Opto-Isolated Output Board that wants 5V. According…

Technical Issues/ Documentation -Mitsuko

There aren’t many technical issues with the installation part of my piece yet; however, there are some technical concerns for my performance: 1. I am worried since there will be a lot of people at the opening, the stethoscope microphone will pick up on too many voices. This may be okay, I am just worried…